News Flash, the formula to success doesn't exist. No two people can do the same thing and achieve the same results. With so many people going to college to improve their opportunities, the only thing they're doing is increasing debt, and giving themselves a false sense of security.
You may be thinking what causes this feeling? Well, colleges and universities teach you things. Things that are helpful to managing businesses and customers. However, there's an element that cannot be taught. The lesson on comfort of skin color, class, and cultural linguist. (I would never trade my degree in for the record).
Take a white man. Put him in a suit. Tell him he has power. Don't teach him anything, but tell him he has a ton of responsibilities and all the jobs he needs to get done. Who will he hire first? Now take a black man do the same thing. Who will he hire first? Do the same for a Black woman, White woman, hispanic man, hispanic woman. These are the majorities of America. I am not going to include Asians (Middle Eastern, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) because they tend to stick by each other.
Now to control your experiment, send a black man, black woman, and hispanic woman with all the qualifications in for an interview. Send a white man the least qualified, but with a good talking game. Send a hispanic man and white woman not as qualified as the first three.
Without seeing this actual experiment, the results are predictable. This is what draws me to write this piece. The hardest working people in America are the people paid the least. After that it is the people with something to prove that they're not part of their historical image. That means Black people work the hardest, but are called the laziest, simultaneously willing to prove they're not the stereotype. Hispanic people, depending on their complexion, are also hardworking people.
So why are black people less successful? Well, there are multiple answers for this question.
- Black people have a hard time working together because of this genetic indifference to black slave ownership. When people work, unless they're being paid a lot, they feel like they're slaves.
- Black people would rather work for a place they think they have an opportunity for advancement. A lot of black people don't believe in black owned businesses because they are programmed to think white people have all the opportunities, and it's a white man's world.
- Black people always want discount. We want to feel appreciated for our business and opportunities granted. When an employee feels they want a raise, they have a hard time coping with a manager who has the same background as them and doesn't want to give that raise. This is the one thing that happens in reverse. Where the same person can feel entitled to a raise because they are of the same background. This happens even with white people, but interracially, it is less an issue.
- In a perfect world, if black people do work together, the next step is learning investments. The music industry is proof that black people can brand themselves. But that's a trap. Branding means you represent that company. How many CEOs do what Music Industry artists do? There's more to investing than your name, face, and opinion.
- Black people have to merge and acquire failing businesses and markets and brand them. As a teenager, I wanted to be a rapper. I wanted to sell clothes, liquor, and open up restaurants. I never thought about owning a bank, finance company, law firm, a metals company, mining, oil, commodities that have value company. The small deals that are done today, they're small because these companies that do exist, bring in a face from pop culture to brand their company. For instance, Brooklyn Nets used Jay Z to bring them to Brooklyn. His share in the ownership of the team was minute. He gets checks, but they're pale in comparison to what owners really make.
- Black people don't invest in black people. Instead of the war on class, there should be a peace movement to bring black people to the top. If this happens, you're looking at the improvement of America. Its no secret, Black people carry America on their bleeding backs. That's how it was done in 1776, 1886, 1996, and today.We're going to carry Americans, lets put them in a briefcases made by us, and make enough briefcases so we can all carry them. At the same time wearing tailored suits.
- Black people leave each other to the wolves. This almost didn't get added. I actually had to meet with someone to get this point in. This is the most important of them all. Black people leave their children, friends, and family to the wolves to manipulate them. If one person's mind is infected, it can spread. Look at AIDS and Ebola. Leaving a vulnerable mind can kill an entire village of dreams.
If we followed all of these steps, that wouldn't guarantee us more successful as a people. I'm not trying to bash my people. But we're so negative. Negativity is the source of failure. We need to change our negative words to positive words. Instead of risks say opportunities. Instead of losses, say another chance. Instead of can't, say what you have to do to get it done.
The easiest way out is by creating your own luck. Fix your game so that you always win. I have more to say on this, but I want to explore other ideas. See what I did? I didn't want to say I don't feel like writing anymore, instead I found the true reason to stop this, to explore other ideas.
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