In 2008, we all witnessed history as the first Black president was elected to office in America. In that election, a waive of democrats rode in on the coattail of Barack Obama. For that, there wasn't a white Republican that voted McCain, that didn't claim black people voted for Obama for his race.
In 2012, we witnessed a similar feat. This, of course, happened after Republicans defeated Democrats in midterm elections.In this election, it is rumored that a politician or someone close in the political circle said, "We don't know if this is Obama's turnout, or Our turnout.
For years, black people have supported the Democratic Party. They were the party that were of the people. However, their party was not always for our people. That is an ugly history to them, which causes some people to stick with Republicans. The Democratic Party was the weaker party for a long time, and they didn't seem to have the ideas to run the country. Take a look at history. Since Abraham Lincoln, 18 Republicans and 11 Democrats have been elected as President.
Republicans are far from what we need. Republicans believe, or insinuate, that welfare is majority Black and other minorities. They also think Black people are lazy. They want tougher immigration laws. When immigration is discussed by them, they make you feel like the only immigrants legal or illegal are Mexicans.I haven't heard tougher border security laws on Canada. Democrats has been a default choice for most black people, when Republicans portray the role of the racist party.
While Republicans grandstand on ignorance currently, Democrats grandstand on deception. They appear to be for the people, right? What people? In 2010 Democrats tip toed, and most of them lost. In 2012, the party gained power back partially. In 2014, they damn near lost it all. Many strategist on both sides, blame Obama. But Obama wasn't up for election. No, if it was anything, it was the Democrats lack of using the same strategy that got them in. Bragging rights on what the party has done, and aggressively working to keep producing.
If Obama is the leader of your party, if the people respond to what he is doing and has done, that should be your talking point. If he brings out Black Americans, Latino Americans, Youth, and Liberals, they should be talking to his people. Its no secret that he has defeated both of his Republican opponents by landslide wins. Yet Mark Warner in Virginia defeated Ed Gillespie by less than a percentage point. Most other Democrats lost.
We witnessed Democratic candidates talk about working across the aisle, work with Republicans, and challenge Obama. It seemed as if Democratic candidates were the center Republicans running against another Republican or Tea Party Republicans. This is why they had such a hard time Tuesday. Remember Eric Cantor? The somewhat radical Republican, who was really a decent Republican compared to the Tea Party. Remember his devastating loss to David Brat, no one could have predicted? That was the clue. In a Republican on Republican race, especially if your a Democrat running a Republican campaign, the guy closest to the right wins.
The truth is, it's time for Obama supporters to start looking for independent candidates. We are independent voters. We aren't really Democrats. We are the people. We are for each other. Obama had plenty of accomplishments that we voted for. Our voices are never heard by Democrats, but often heard by independents. By acknowledging we are independent, we force the hand of Democrats. We take away the power of Republicans, and when we speak, we speak loud and clear. We don't believe in any of the two party system's views. We want healthcare. We want economic prosperity. We don't want taxes cut for the wealthy and increased for us. We want more production from elected officials and less showman from so called representatives.
If you can't respect that your ideals are corrupt, like a Republican woman. Black Mormon woman at that.
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