If that's not enough information, you're probably not fit to read this.
With Donld Trump winning three of the last four primaries, he's becoming the inevitable winner of this nomination process. He killed JEBs hopes of becoming president this year. He didn't attack JEB like a politician though. Instead, he attacked him with a second grade mentality.
The way Donald Trump is eliminating politician after politician is something, perhaps, only a simple mind can understand. Remove your master degree earnings journalists and get down to the obvious here. Donald Trump spoke the language of simple like people. He didn't need attack ads that spoke policy. He used roast tactics, claiming JEB was low energy.
Whether JEB was low energy or not, that's a diss that's hard to recover from. Why? Because if JEB counters with an energetic response he comes off artificial. If JEB stays the same, people plot that mentally as low energy, and standing next to Trump, a loud and boisterous personality, he doesn't have a chance with the minds of these people. Either way it's a loss for JEB who was more at risk of being his puppet than proving he's leader.
JEB, however, was not as low energy as Ben Carson. As a black man that claims he was about to bash someone's head in, according to his book, he had absolutely no appeal to urban blacks. I doubt he had appeal to .5% of the black community. Ben Carson, who noted that Obama was raised white and he's more black than Obama, was proof that we didn't vote for Obama solely because he was black. I don't think half the voting population knew who Ben Carson was.
If Ben Carson represents low energy, that means JEB was a structure fun politician that spoke a little too “uppity”, like the majority of the candidates.
Like in the movie Idiocracy, the voters that showed up in this primary are degenerates. Donald Trump recognized that 20 years ago. A quote saying he'd “run as a republican because they're the least intelligent”. Now I'm not saying all Republicans are “dumb”, but some have strayed away from a book or two. So when Donald Trump says, “we'll bomb the **** out of them [ISIS], details are not a requirement. Hell, current events and facts aren't a requirement either, since Obama is already doing that.
Donald represents two things the rise of white supremacy, and common tongue. He doesn't go into details like the other candidates. In the last debate, if the moderators said, good deals were not an acceptable answer for the night, Trump would have been absolutely speechless, and low energy below Ben Carson. He was already low energy below JEB.
Hillary Clinton is going against ignorance, assuming Republicans actually go with Trump. She's going to have a hard time facing Trump because he's going to go back to his JEB strategy. With an audience mixed with Hillary Hate, he's going to engage her directly. Dear Hillary, focus on the moderator and drown Trump with Neglect.
Hillary has two things (really three but I'm condensing then sub categorizing). Women and Minorities. Donald Trump convinced some white people to put back on their hoods and robes. But Hillary is appealing to women. What we may see is households divide, where women come out for Hillary and white men for Trump. But the other thing (not other as less important) is Blacks and Hispanics. Hillary is the only candidate people can see a great outcome. Women have something to stand behind and cheer for, as blacks did for Obama. Where Trump resembles 88 and 14 (see Chris Hayes 3/17 news report).
But listen too me, I speak as if we the people vote for our president. Ha! If only.