There's a photo going around of a man pleading for help. He's pleading that his side of the story be shared about what happened in McKinney.
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What do you see? A black guy smoking weed? Or a new dad having a celebratory cigar, and posing for a pic? |
In 2014 and 2015, there was a lot of media attention to police killing unarmed, nonthreatening black people. Black people being targeted by police, leading to harassment, assault, and death is nothing new. But the amount of media attention is increasing.
When George Zimmerman (half white, fully cop crazy) killed #TrayvonMartin, white people saw a black teenager nearly beating the life out of a man who was trying to protect his neighborhood from "criminals & thugs".
What the evidence showed clearly, was a guy in the dark and rain, following a child slowly...then exiting his car when that child ran to continue following him. When Zimmerman kills him, somehow he's acquitted on self defense.
When Michael Dunn killed #JordanDavis, white people saw a group of young black boys being thugs and threatening good tax paying citizens. What the evidence clearly showed is they were doing what most people do in a car, reciting the words of their favorite artist. Michael Dunn somehow thought he had the authority to tell them to turn their music down or off. And when they reacted, he felt threatened and tried to claim self defense. He got 90 years.
When 12 year old #TamirRice was killed, someone saw a kid threatening people with a gun. They weren't sure if it was real, but they found it horrifying that a kid is playing with any type of gun. When the police pulled up, they hopped out the car and shot him instantly. The officer (white) said he told Tamir put the gun down immediately and 26 year old Tamir was threatening and waiving the gun at him. The video proved otherwise, and now ACTIVIST are attempting to bring charges against the officer. They had to bypass prosecutors and go directly to the judge.
When #MichaelBrown was killed, Darren Wilson 6'4" (white officer) admitted he flew his door open after asking Michael to get out the street. He then said that he felt Michael Brown push the door closed. He said Michael Brown reached into his vehicle and grabbed for his gun. He fired a shot off, and Michael Brown took off running. That's when he exited his vehicle and fired more rounds. Then Michael Brown turned around and ran at him. He fired more rounds killing him with a fatal shot to the head. Michael's friend said the officer flew his door open, hitting Michael with the door simultaneously grabbing him. Michael was pulling away. The shot fired at the car created a pause and panic, and gave Michael the opportunity to run away. After being struck while running, witnesses say that he surrendered with his hands up. That's when Darren Wilson fired at him again, killing him.
When #FreddieGray was killed, he was in a hospital. But what lead to his death is the damning part. Freddie Gray was killed because he made eye contact with an officer (white), and his goon cop friends decided to take him on what is called, "A Rough Ride". After numerous stops, they found Freddie barely breathing, possibly dead. They hooked him up to some monitors, tubes, and IVs. They made him up real pretty then pronounced his death a week or so later. They were trying to avoid any incident. But what sparked the entire thing is him making eye contact with a white officer, who was in a "bad" neighborhood. They tried to say he had a knife on him too.
I can go on about many other cases of unarmed men and women being killed. But the point here is to explain that what white people see, and what everyone else sees is completely different. Now I'm not saying, because you're white blah blah blah...but in each incident, including the pool party incident, white adults saw one thing, and a completely different narrative was going on.
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What do you see? Two men throwing up gang signs? About to commit a crime in the darkness of the night? Or Two brothers happy to see their Uncle for thanksgiving? |
If white people see things different, what do you think Police Management see when training officers? A federal report shows that in Ferguson, police were profiting on the BLACK citizens of the county/city. Zoom out to the country, and look at all the major cities. Specifically where black people live. Look at the prisons. This is a nationwide tactic. Over policed cities to make a profit on urban (mostly black and hispanic) residents. As a result, the police create an atmosphere they fear, they share that with the media, and voila, you've villainized blacks and hispanics, and painted a picture for white people to view on the news. Now they think and see threats anytime they're around a black person. A cop wants to uphold the law. Who do you think he assumes is breaking the law? Not white people, they're just caught in the mix. Black people are the law breakers. They are the ones who need to get their lives together, in his/her mind.
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What do you see? A thug with a gun? or A right to bear arms? |
Now if they can do their job, and get backing from their superiors, white people and officers can be completely oblivious to rights of blacks and hispanics. Remember, what they see is different. So when they detain you, if you can't breathe, that's not their problem. Your breath doesn't matter if you break the law, even if you broke no laws.
Sorry so long