Saturday, October 15, 2016

Why Are Some Blacks Not As Engaged In Trump's Allegations, Like Cosby's

This is the photo that brought up a heartbreaking discussion between me and an old friend of mine. 

It's crazy that the same blacks that dragged Cosby, are silent about Trump. 

Her: What's crazy is I heard the people on the news talking about it so nonchalantly yet they dragged Bill Cosby. Smh. Such a shame.

Me: You did too don't try to front

Her: I'm talking about how the news handled both situations differently. Don't get it twisted I still think he's guilty lol. Now there are two rich pervs. But I do believe that they should have been treated the same in the news

Me: But you're not crucifying him. The news caters to their audience. I see them bringing this up on the news everyday. But I don't see black people saying anything.

Her: I don't wanna b apart of that ridiculousness. It's a circus. Bill Cosby had some pretty funny memes.

Me: 😳🤔 You would rather drag the black guy who's doing charitable things and positive black contributions, than the white supremacist and racist that's running for president? You don't want to be part of that ridiculousness?

Her: Exactly. With Bill Cosby it was surprising. With trump it's not at all

Me: 😳😢😪 This is heartbreaking

Her: Yes it is Michael. Yes it is.

She is black. She is in her 30s. She prefers to blame the news media, although they (MSNBC, CNN) have been discussing this. 

If you're my friend on Facebook, the conversation is still there. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Open Response to Huffington Post Kris Seto

Good evening reader. Being that I am not binded to any contract, I'd like to apologize for my lack of tact in this vulgar response. 

Read the article I'm responding too.

Kris Seto, I'm not going to even front like this is respectable, but where the fuck were you and these Bernie supporters in 2010, 2012, and 2014???

Like seriously, #BernieorBust??? FOH!!! 

No, really … I am not looking for extra hype, but Bernie Supporters need to grow up. #SERIOUSLY

Don't pardon my lack of diversity on word choice. Please hold me accountable. Because I honestly can't think of more words, to further define the pettiness of the Bernie supporters. 

Not all are petty. It's the ones that claim they can't support Hillary, at all. The ones that claim to be independent and might vote republican if Bernie isn't the candidate. This is a contributing factor to why Bernie is looking more and more unappealing and less presidential. It didn't work for Hillary in 2008, it won't work for Bust in 2016. 

Bernie himself is also damaging his brand. Yes brand. Because you're trying to sell us on voting for the Democratic Party. This is really starting to look like temper tantrums, and less like a viable  campaign. 

Barack Obama 

Bernie has been throwing President BO shade since 2009. People act like supporting Bernie is supporting reform. Bernie wants a universal system, right? But first, lets repeal ACA. Sounds like shade. He came at Obama for not prosecuting Wall Street. Is this dude a republican or independent? While we're capable of multitasking, the economy was much more important. And I don't blame Obama for opting to get a health care law passed, over prosecution of bankers. They've been trying to do it for years. Let's also not pretend like Bernie was contemplating running against Obama in 2012. Shade that was blocking out the sun, eclipsing. 

Oh, Bernie is a one issue candidate. Take from the wealthy, and give to everyone else. This might sound republican-ish, but we have to show interest in building for ourselves. 

While white people and other than blacks have been cheering on Bernie, there's been a serious awakening going on in America with Blacks. One of the reasons I don't know why Blacks would support a Bernie cause. 

The conversation is for us to know, but the people aren't coming together anymore. They want it all done by a “savior”. Save yourself. Get together, contact comptrollers and put an article in the local newspaper that you're opening a bank. Come together and buy up these shopping centers and charge businesses an affordable rent rate. Put the money together and build or renovate homes. That's progress. That's how you break up Big Banks BERNIE!!! You break them financially. 

Hillary Clinton

Stop making it seem like all this dirt you've pulled up on Hillary is relevant. I am personally interested in a Hillary presidency because it's a great move for America, and a progressive movement for women. 

When I was young, I lived in the projects of the Bronx. I moved to Virginia at 14 months after my uncle was killed. Crime was real. All these black people were being murdered by their own people. Put an act to the title super predators … what the rappers in the 80s and 90s rapped about was real. In the words of Jay Z, this ain't a movie dog!!! 

Crime was everywhere else too. White neighborhoods, believe it or not, Spanish and Native American neighborhoods.  From that perspective, tough on crim only made sense. Let's not omit parts of history. 

It did get carried away with jailing young black men, but there was a period where the policy was effective. I worked in a Drug Rehabilitation center, Addicts Rehabilitation Center Harlem, NY and it wasn't a joke. People came through the program with real drug problems. It was damaging to our community because, if a man needs money, and he hasn't been prepared to get that money any way else, he's gonna make a sell. That image was imprinted on thousands of kids everyday. I could give you more on that, but you're better off knowing someone from the hood to give you a raw lesson. 

Bernie Sanders 

Bernie is really feeling himself. He probably feels he's never made such a difference, so giving up is not an option. However, knowing when to concede shows true leadership. Bernie may have his views, but so does Elizabeth Warren. So does Joaquin Castro. So does Cory Booker. Elizabeth Warren would have been a great candidate. But she's not. Bernie knows Hillary was the presumptive nominee from day one. He gave Hillary a great run for her money. But he should definitely start transitioning his supporters. 

Just Remember 
Hillary Supporters went with her years ago. They voted in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. Bernie voters are supporting a caus, one that's 9 years past due. She's more than qualified. 

Stop trying to destroy her, and rally behind her. It's time. To be with her. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bush Never had a chance, Clinton Vs Trump

 Let me begin with why Bush never had a chance. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. 
 If that's not enough information, you're probably not fit to read this. 

 With Donld Trump winning three of the last four primaries, he's becoming the inevitable winner of this nomination process. He killed JEBs hopes of becoming president this year. He didn't attack JEB like a politician though. Instead, he attacked him with a second grade mentality. 

The way Donald Trump is eliminating politician after politician is something, perhaps, only a simple mind can understand. Remove your master degree earnings journalists and get down to the obvious here. Donald Trump spoke the language of simple like people. He didn't need attack ads that spoke policy. He used roast tactics, claiming JEB was low energy. 

Whether JEB was low energy or not, that's a diss that's hard to recover from. Why? Because if JEB counters with an energetic response he comes off artificial. If JEB stays the same, people plot that mentally as low energy, and standing next to Trump, a loud and boisterous personality, he doesn't have a chance with the minds of these people. Either way it's a loss for JEB who was more at risk of being his puppet than proving he's leader. 

JEB, however, was not as low energy as Ben Carson. As a black man that claims he was about to bash someone's head in, according to his book, he had absolutely no appeal to urban blacks. I doubt he had appeal to .5% of the black community. Ben Carson, who noted that Obama was raised white and he's more black than Obama, was proof that we didn't vote for Obama solely because he was black. I don't think half the voting population knew who Ben Carson was. 

If Ben Carson represents low energy, that means JEB was a structure fun politician that spoke a little too “uppity”, like the majority of the candidates. 

Like in the movie Idiocracy, the voters that showed up in this primary are degenerates. Donald Trump recognized that 20 years ago. A quote saying he'd “run as a republican because they're the least intelligent”. Now I'm not saying all Republicans are “dumb”, but some have strayed away from a book or two. So when Donald Trump says, “we'll bomb the **** out of them [ISIS], details are not a requirement. Hell, current events and facts aren't a requirement either, since Obama is already doing that. 

Donald represents two things the rise of white supremacy, and common tongue. He doesn't go into details like the other candidates. In the last debate, if the moderators said, good deals were not an acceptable answer for the night, Trump would have been absolutely speechless, and low energy below Ben Carson. He was already low energy below JEB. 

Hillary Clinton is going against ignorance, assuming Republicans actually go with Trump. She's going to have a hard time facing Trump because he's going to go back to his JEB strategy. With an audience mixed with Hillary Hate, he's going to engage her directly. Dear Hillary, focus on the moderator and drown Trump with Neglect. 

Hillary has two things (really three but I'm condensing then sub categorizing). Women and Minorities. Donald Trump convinced some white people to put back on their hoods and robes. But Hillary is appealing to women. What we may see is households divide, where women come out for Hillary and white men for Trump. But the other thing (not other as less important) is Blacks and Hispanics. Hillary is the only candidate people can see a great outcome. Women  have something to stand behind and cheer for, as blacks did for Obama. Where Trump resembles 88 and 14 (see Chris Hayes 3/17 news report). 

But listen too me, I speak as if we the people vote for our president. Ha! If only. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What White People See, What Everyone Else Sees

There's a photo going around of a man pleading for help. He's pleading that his side of the story be shared about what happened in McKinney.
What do you see? A black guy smoking weed? Or a new dad having a celebratory cigar, and posing for a pic?
But what the message truly shows, is that there's a difference between what white people see, and what everyone else sees. And that's a problem.
In 2014 and 2015, there was a lot of media attention to police killing unarmed, nonthreatening black people. Black people being targeted by police, leading to harassment, assault, and death is nothing new. But the amount of media attention is increasing.
When George Zimmerman (half white, fully cop crazy) killed ‪#‎TrayvonMartin‬, white people saw a black teenager nearly beating the life out of a man who was trying to protect his neighborhood from "criminals & thugs".
What the evidence showed clearly, was a guy in the dark and rain, following a child slowly...then exiting his car when that child ran to continue following him. When Zimmerman kills him, somehow he's acquitted on self defense.
When Michael Dunn killed ‪#‎JordanDavis‬, white people saw a group of young black boys being thugs and threatening good tax paying citizens. What the evidence clearly showed is they were doing what most people do in a car, reciting the words of their favorite artist. Michael Dunn somehow thought he had the authority to tell them to turn their music down or off. And when they reacted, he felt threatened and tried to claim self defense. He got 90 years.
When 12 year old ‪#‎TamirRice‬ was killed, someone saw a kid threatening people with a gun. They weren't sure if it was real, but they found it horrifying that a kid is playing with any type of gun. When the police pulled up, they hopped out the car and shot him instantly. The officer (white) said he told Tamir put the gun down immediately and 26 year old Tamir was threatening and waiving the gun at him. The video proved otherwise, and now ACTIVIST are attempting to bring charges against the officer. They had to bypass prosecutors and go directly to the judge.
When ‪#‎MichaelBrown‬ was killed, Darren Wilson 6'4" (white officer) admitted he flew his door open after asking Michael to get out the street. He then said that he felt Michael Brown push the door closed. He said Michael Brown reached into his vehicle and grabbed for his gun. He fired a shot off, and Michael Brown took off running. That's when he exited his vehicle and fired more rounds. Then Michael Brown turned around and ran at him. He fired more rounds killing him with a fatal shot to the head. Michael's friend said the officer flew his door open, hitting Michael with the door simultaneously grabbing him. Michael was pulling away. The shot fired at the car created a pause and panic, and gave Michael the opportunity to run away. After being struck while running, witnesses say that he surrendered with his hands up. That's when Darren Wilson fired at him again, killing him.
When ‪#‎FreddieGray‬ was killed, he was in a hospital. But what lead to his death is the damning part. Freddie Gray was killed because he made eye contact with an officer (white), and his goon cop friends decided to take him on what is called, "A Rough Ride". After numerous stops, they found Freddie barely breathing, possibly dead. They hooked him up to some monitors, tubes, and IVs. They made him up real pretty then pronounced his death a week or so later. They were trying to avoid any incident. But what sparked the entire thing is him making eye contact with a white officer, who was in a "bad" neighborhood. They tried to say he had a knife on him too.
I can go on about many other cases of unarmed men and women being killed. But the point here is to explain that what white people see, and what everyone else sees is completely different. Now I'm not saying, because you're white blah blah blah...but in each incident, including the pool party incident, white adults saw one thing, and a completely different narrative was going on.
What do you see? Two men throwing up gang signs? About to commit a crime in the darkness of the night? Or Two brothers happy to see their Uncle for thanksgiving?

If white people see things different, what do you think Police Management see when training officers? A federal report shows that in Ferguson, police were profiting on the BLACK citizens of the county/city. Zoom out to the country, and look at all the major cities. Specifically where black people live. Look at the prisons. This is a nationwide tactic. Over policed cities to make a profit on urban (mostly black and hispanic) residents. As a result, the police create an atmosphere they fear, they share that with the media, and voila, you've villainized blacks and hispanics, and painted a picture for white people to view on the news. Now they think and see threats anytime they're around a black person. A cop wants to uphold the law. Who do you think he assumes is breaking the law? Not white people, they're just caught in the mix. Black people are the law breakers. They are the ones who need to get their lives together, in his/her mind.
What do you see? A thug with a gun? or A right to bear arms?
Here's the trap. I know its getting long, but you have blacks and hispanics that want to become officers. They see themselves doing their job. Their trained from children, to listen and do as their told. They don't see stop & frisk as a violation of the fourth amendment. They don't know you have the right to plead the fifth amendment. Ultimately, they don't see beating you with their equipment, and killing you as a violation of the eighth amendment. I wonder if they know the first & second amendment?
Now if they can do their job, and get backing from their superiors, white people and officers can be completely oblivious to rights of blacks and hispanics. Remember, what they see is different. So when they detain you, if you can't breathe, that's not their problem. Your breath doesn't matter if you break the law, even if you broke no laws.
Sorry so long

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What Black People Need Are Think Tanks

     A pet peeve of mine is looking for a job. I hate looking for a job. People have this theory that if you carry negativity with you, you will carry that negativity into your job, therefore don't think about the odds stacked against you, bring your best and you will impress.

     Can I say bull****? Look when we introduce ourselves to one another, we introduce who we are. When you introduce yourself to a person and you're trying to impress them, you come off phony. So why do people think this mentality of impressing someone in an interview is any better?

     Put yourself in the shoes of the manager. Lets say you're the first person they've seen. You have lots more candidates to go. Let's say you're the last person they've seen. Thank god this is almost over. And while it shouldn't, the thing that makes the entire process drag is the phony people, the overdoing people, the people seeking to please.

     So let's say you impress them. Does that mean you can get the job done? If you can get the job done, then how long will it be before you want to move up, and they have to find someone else to get the job done? But I haven't even discussed your feelings.

     What happens when your interviewer is not of your race? When I went in for an interview, I found myself being more assertive, more aggressive in my demands when interviewed by a black guy. I stayed at that job longer than all other jobs. I tried that same tactic at another interview, and the interviewer was more aggressive with me before I could even tell them about myself. Saying, "we don't tolerate laziness, we have to get a job done, we set that expectation high or we let people go".

     Anyway, we (black people) need to take on the world. There's a need for us to stop working for these companies and bring on the responsibilities of running our own. The benefits of doing that is pulling the people in our communities up out of the bad spots, ruts, or "ok" areas. Everyday there is a black person saying we need to open up our own businesses. But this is a cry for more than that.

     We need think tanks to address every level of success to drive more success and set that precedent as a standard to achieve as a race. These think tanks want to address uniformity, unity, education, qualifications, and growth. I guess you might think of this like a house of representatives, and senate. But we really need something like that.

     Its a structured system. I remember as a kid seeing "Each one Teach one". While the idea is good, its flawed because of the lack of unity. "Everyone Teach. Everyone Learn." would eliminate all possibilities of failure. Because we're all listening and we speak. The need is, without a doubt, there.

     We have networks like Centric, TVone, BET, and OWN. Huge step, but low threshold of success. We have Black Enterprise, The Root, and some other site I can't remember, but none of them are owned by black people. Right here is where some arguments come in, but trust me none are black owned. Maybe OWN is, but no one else. Sorry for my lack of investigative journalism on that.

     We are a $1.1 trillion spending race. What we do, the world imitates. Chuck Berry invented the Beach Boys. Black performances invented Elvis. James Brown invented McJagger. The Jackson 5 invented so many groups I won't even go on. However, we create it, the buy it and imitate it. So if we created something of actual value, by time they're creating the cheap imitations we've already got the world moving to something better. That's what a think tank will do.

     The reason we are so far behind, is because we succeed, and we are offered money to do for others. While loyalties lie in our heart, the brain convinces us to betray for beneficial reasons. Think tanks would cut us off at the offer. Think tanks would see that you're offered a new position and counsel you on staying or leaving. Think tanks would keep the culture moving if you decide to leave, and advance your influence if you decide to stay.

     With black owned businesses, interviewing changes. You interview with people like-minded. Being like-minded isn't a crime, and never let someone convince you that if you work with like-minded people you'll fail. As long as like-minded people challenge each other, how can you fail? That interview that you have, with that black owned businesses changes your attitude. They're not looking at my skin the whole time, they're looking at my skill. They know how we talk, so they're not testing my oral presentation. The only thing I have to convince them of is my will to get the job done. That's easy on both of us.

Incomplete thought...will return if I think of more. Suggestions accepted.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Empire Canceled by Fox, Unbelievable

     It has been rumored, Fox canceled the record breaking, new show, Empire. Insert, "Black Lives Matter". It is unbelievable, that Fox was eager to allow this to happen.

     To be a bit subjective, I am not a fan of Fox or any of its subsidiaries. That's honesty. Its not a secret that networks play up their roles. For instance, Fox and its affiliates are more Republican, pro-white, organizations. NBC is a more liberal organization. ABC is kind of center.

     With that, I was not surprised to here that Fox was doing this. I was surprised that Lee Daniels actually went to Fox in the first place. Maybe he sees a smaller picture than I do. But initially, I had no intentions on watching Empire, strictly because it was on Fox, and anything on Fox about black people has to be bad television. Instead, the show actually resonated with me.

     As a former rapper, I dreamed of Empire being the story of me. I am Lucious Lyon in my head, or I wanted to be. Coming from a family filled with musical talents, learning early the power of knowing what the accountant knows, and a determination to be a billionaire, Empire, in my opinion was my destiny. So I was a huge fan. I always ask myself, why did other people watch the show; doesn't matter though, it was a hit.

     Empire broke record after record. Its only competitor, a show I'm a fan of as well, The Walking Dead, didn't do what Empire did in its first season. They built up to where they are. Empire however, was an instant success. The fans truly enjoyed the show, and the conversations on Facebook and Twitter were endless. So why would Fox let them go?

Fox's Tweet regarding the news season of Empire
After record breaking views of Fox’s newest show “Empire” has been cancelled. Initially, on January 17, the show was renewed for a second season but now Fox has rescinded “Empire” opportunity for a second season.
Produced by Lee Daniels and staring Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson, the show was a success and many viewers tuned in weekly for the musical drama. It is said that the show is loosely based off hip hop mogul, Jay-Z’s life.
Fox’s public relations representative, Charles McRae, has stated that the reason for the cancellation is due to contractual negotiations. According to Fox, pay towards Lee Daniels and Danny Strong’s production camp were the main determining factors in the cancellation. It is said that two parties could not reach an acceptable agreement and when things heated up behind the curtains, Fox abruptly pulled the plug on the show.
Lee Daniels is currently meeting with several networks to find a new home for the hit series. He along with co-creator Danny Strong, will be meeting with HBO, Showtime, Viacom and ABC in the next few days.
     I hate Fox. I seriously do. It is my understanding, and I could be wrong, that companies pay to advertise on networks, during their aired programs. With record breaking numbers, are you telling me Fox is having issues raising money for ad dollars to advertise during this program? The Super Bowl can charge $3 million for advertising during the super bowl, but y'all can't raise the money for Empire? Or is it y'all don't want to pay the cost for the hit show?

     Be honest here. Because If that's the case, Empire can go straight to their own network, and are the program there. Its time we start owning our material. Yes I may be talking about flooding the market. I may be tempting over saturation, but in the words of the late great Michael Jackson, they don't really care about us. We can raise the money, sell municipal bonds, and open up a black hollywood and arrange our own networks.

     Empire may be one show, but there's lots more black talent being overlooked and misrepresented. Sony recently had to apologize to Kevin Hart for disrespecting him in an email between two workers. They said something to the beat of, he's a "whore". We need unity, but we can do so much more for ourselves if we don't seek the business of people who don't want to work with us.

     If this rumor turns out to be true, we need to take charge. That's my opinion.